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Doubled-Donation Fundraiser & Clothing Drive

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Doubled-Donation Fundraiser & Clothing Drive: Campaign against the Cold

Double-donation fundraiser/ clothes drive for homeless people

Fundraiser for Bright Mind Enrichment by Bright Mind Enrichment.

Help us raise $5000 -- extended for 1st week of January 2024

$4761 raised of $5,000

Time Remaining to reach our goal:



Please Donate your TIME, CLOTHES, BOOKS, or FUNDS now (through checks, Facebook, Paypal and more)!

Your donation will be DOUBLED (for the first $2000 raised).

1330 homeless people die of cold-related injuries in the US each year, and it’s already below freezing at night in many areas. Lives are at stake, and we can help make a difference.

Street Care and Bright Mind have added many new programs, tech tools, and local chapters in 2024. We are in the middle of our WINTER CAMPAIGN! Donate to ensure the right aid, equipment, and resources help homeless people withstand cold nights.

Our New York chapter has already received hundreds of donations of food, coats, shoes, and scarves, and our Maryland and other chapters have been receiving items, too. But there is still a long way to go to protect everyone! We need help of all kinds.

Street Care is an initiative of Bright Mind, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization – donations to Bright Mind are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by U.S. law.


[email protected]

How to Donate

• Donate online:

• Donate by mail: Bright Mind Enrichment, 1616 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040

• Donate in person:

  • -New York: 1616 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040
  • -Maryland: 3703 Mountain Road, Pasadena, MD 21122 (Items go to brick building)
  • -Kenya: Matovu Ronald, Balozi Road, P.O BOX 1117, Kitengla, Kenya, 00241 (only send via the mail; no food items)
  • *Donate from 9 am to 7 pm (7 days a week)

Donate below to fund our efforts via PayPal/check/etc. at:

For more information about our locations, click on

SPREAD THE WARMTH AND CARE THIS WINTER…. and have your DONATION DOUBLED! Thank you for your caring and your support.

(702) 907-7390 | [email protected]
(c) Bright Mind Enrichment and Schooling 2024; Bright Mind, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and recipient of GuideStar's Platinum Seal of transparency Platinum, Gold Seal of transparency Gold, Silver, and Bronze Seal of transparency Bronze Seals of Transparency, Vanguard Charitable Logo plus recognized by Vanguard Charitable and other entities. Street Care and Vaccination Rewards are initiatives of Bright Mind.  Powered by | Terms & Policies