Literacy For Diverse Communities
Our focus is providing literacy sessions and distributing books…
Bright Mind’s US-based literacy program is designed to aid and train diverse communities, notably immigrant communities, and functions in partnership with ReaderCares, which has provided crucial literacy aid in Ghana since 2015.
Bright Mind conducts sessions for underprivileged youth, families, and adults to teach and share basic study skills, nurture reading habits and help build resilience. Sessions are made accessible and exciting through our tech expertise, with interactive learning and online educational games, to enhance community and group discussions.
We collect and distribute books and devices (for the sake of installing ebooks and other educational materials), which can help children enhance their learning and knowledge. Devices include phones, laptops and tablets. Bright Mind uses its deep organizational experience in collecting and distributing crucial items, for sending not only books, but also clothes and non-perishable food items to Ghana, where ReaderCares distributes them to its network of communities. This network encompasses 16 regions in Ghana, which have received hundreds and thousands of items.

Adjei Kwesi Boateng, Literacy Director of Bright Mind
He is best known as the founder of Reader Publishing, Ghana. With a deep-rooted commitment to making a difference in the lives of underprivileged children, Adjei established ReaderCares, a non-governmental organization in Ghana, in 2015.
“Empowering young minds through the magic of books is my lifelong mission, because in my journey, the joy of reading ignited a transformative spark within me.”
– Adjei Kwesi Boateng
For further inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].
We welcome all kinds of donations:
- Donate your books and devices (laptops, phones and tablets), and your washed/clean clothes, and/or non-perishable food, by mailing or dropping them off from 2:30 pm to 9 pm (7 days a week) at: 384 East 194th S, Apt 5C, Bronx, NY 10458
- Donate your time by volunteering with us at: