Join Us
We are always interested in having others join with us -no experience necessary. Contact us at [email protected] .
Education and social services are crucial to enrich the lives of the community, which is why we offer our activities to people of all ages. Our work takes place in Maryland, NY, Florida, DC, Canada, and India. We are always interested in finding new ways to offer more services. Let us know if you would like us to offer educational opportunities in your community or city
Request new classes or collaborations – Interest form
Let us know if you are interested in classes or camps for your community, whether in the US or beyond. Interest form Contact us about civic, non-profit, or business partnerships.
Volunteers are always needed, including educational, operational, financial, administrative and much much more. Fill out this Interest form – and we’ll get back to you!
Let us know what you like to do –we’d love to be in touch.